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", "", ""]; // Ignored Messages var matches = ignored_msg.filter(function (string_check) { return message.indexOf(string_check) !== -1; }); if (matches.length > 0) { return false; } return true; }, storeMessage: function (notice, type, dynamic) { if (gbt_cn.isMessageValid(notice.html(),dynamic)) { gbt_cn.messages.push({message: notice.html(), type: type, dynamic:dynamic}); gbt_cn.removeDuplicatedMessages(); } }, getAdditionalIconClass: function (noticeType) { var iconClass = ""; switch (noticeType) { case "success": iconClass = gbt_cn_info.success_icon_class; break; case "error": iconClass = gbt_cn_info.error_icon_class; break; case "info": iconClass = gbt_cn_info.info_icon_class; break; } if (iconClass == "") { iconClass += " " + gbt_cn_info.icon_default_class; } return iconClass; }, addMessagesToPopup: function (notice) { var notification; $.each(gbt_cn.messages, function (index, value) { var additional_icon_class = gbt_cn.getAdditionalIconClass(value.type); var dynamicClass = value.dynamic ? 'gbt-cn-dynamic' : 'gbt-cn-static'; if(value.message != "") { if(value.message.indexOf('product_notification_background') >= 0) { // build notification for added to cart product notification = $('#gbt-custom-notification-notice .gbt-custom-notification-content').append("
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Notification Image
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Notification Image
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Notification Image
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